Death Comes Ripping

This was just for fun. Misfits skull + WV = ♥
I'd like make t-shirts out of these but I have to figure out a way to do pre-sales first.

Mixtapes are so 1980s

I'm part of a mix-tape (but most of us make mix CDs) network where we get a new person from a list to make a mix for.  We base it on their musical tastes and hope they enjoy it.  This was my first CD.  I simply broke a cassette, photographed it, blew out the contrast and tweaked the levels a bit.

I thought that I would use this cover for every mix CD that I was to send out, so I wrote out the text, scanned it, then put it on the labels in Photoshop.  I just ended up using this for Ashley though, because designing a 1-panel CD cover every month is kind of fun.  

The tracklist was simple...  I did a screen-cap of the iTunes playlist, figured out what font iTunes used, then put the information for the mix CD where it would normally have the song information at the top of the window.  

The Disappearing Man APPEARS

I like the confined space of a 1" button design.  It has to look good enough to catch the eye but the design has to translate well on the small space and not look cramped.  A little trivia about this first button...  That's Paul Rudd.  

That's a nice looking hat.  You can't tell me it wouldn't look sharp with the right suit.

I love text-based designs.

Can we start again?

This was the second attempt at a flyer for this show.  I wasn't happy with the first one because the text was all jumbled up at the bottom and there was a lot of empty space at the top.  The drawing of the boy screaming is actually a small doodle I did a few years ago.  I saw it in my sketch book when I was working on this poster and it worked perfectly, as far as I'm concerned.  By the way, I did NOT design the arrows by Strike Anywhere's name or the Bane logo.