Cinema Villainy podcast cover

The guys from Cinema Villainy know how much I love listening to podcasts and how much I love their podcast.  They got in touch about having me do their cover image and I was more than happy to do it.

Hard Times, Awakening The Revenant, Let The Guilty Hang, Nation, Bad Terms, Ancient Shores, Last Level, Station(s), and Last Days Of Sun show poster.

After it was scanned into Photoshop, I colored it and added text.

Inked in and ready to scan.

Still in the process of drawing it by pencil.

Girls make the world go 'round

This is a found image with added text.  I'm really happy with the layout of the text and I've always loved this image.

Nation buttons

The black, red, and white button was completely done in Photoshop while the "banner" button was hand drawn, inked in (seen below), and then scanned into Photoshop for coloring.

Original drawing in pencil at the beginning of the inking process.

Malicious Intent (WV) t-shirt

The final design, printed.  I wasn't as excited about the font choice but it was exactly what they wanted, so we went with it.  

This is a close-up of the beginning of the inking process.  I drew out the rough design in pencil, inked it in, the scanned it into Photoshop for the addition of the band name.